Withdrawal Cards

A withdrawal card, as stated in Article XVIII Sec 6 of the IBT Constitution must be requested by the member within 90 days of last day of the month in which the member’s Company verified Leave of Absence began. The Local does not retroactively issue withdrawal cards. Withdrawal card requests cannot be honored if the member alerts the Local of a Leave of Absence after returning to work. In addition, withdrawal card requests will not be honored if a member requests a withdrawal card outside of the 90 day window, or not a member in good standing (current with all dues and assessments).

Not all members wish to take a withdrawal card due to the effect it has on voting rights, ability to represent the Local as a delegate at the IBT Convention or run for elected office within the Union. According to Article II Sec 4 states that if a member on withdrawal deposits his card in the month immediately following the month for which it was effective and pays his dues for both months in a timely manner as provided in Article X Section 5(c), such a period of withdrawal shall not be considered a break in continuous good standing in the Local Union.

You can request a withdrawal card at this time by emailing membership@local357.org, if you do not request by the first day of next month then a withdrawal card will automatically be issued to you providing you have not returned to work and are a member in good standing (current in all dues and assessments). The Local will place you on a withdrawal card to keep you from owing dues and assessments that you would otherwise owe by the IBT Constitution. This can only be done if you are current in all dues and assessments. Please note that you must pay dues for the month that you go out on leave and the month that you return from leave.

If you return from leave and the Company is not able to provide the Local with a full dues payment then the Local per Article 19 of the CBA will collect that amount in the following month to bring your account current. If the company is not able to collect the additional amount the following month the Local will contact you regarding the delinquent nature of your account.

Please email membership@local357.org if you have any questions.